Standings Week 5

Platinum/Gold A/B
13rd Base Come on Breaux49
23rd BaseIt Be Like Dat Sometimes47
3Cleary TavernWhat's Our Name47
5Twist of LimeC'MON MAN42
43rd Base The Leftovers31
Come on Breaux13It Be Like Dat Sometimes6
The Leftovers4C'MON MAN15
What's Our Name10BYE
Gold C
1The Stallion BarDart Guys66
2B's Trudeau Tavern F.I.T.E.56
3Brewsky'sNo-No Squares47
4Smitty's After HoursKnights of the Crown Table26
5The MillThe Bent Shafts26
No-No Squares7F.I.T.E.12
Dart Guys16Knights of the Crown Table3
The Bent Shafts10BYE
Silver D
1Cleary TavernClearly Drunk56
23rd BaseRight Dere54
3Hog Alley Is It In?54
4Daiquiris & CreamsRedeyes45
5BabylonDo You Quack Like a Duck?42
6Cleary TavernTalk of the Town34
Clearly Drunk14Right Dere5
Do You Quack Like a Duck?10Redeyes9
Is It In?8Talk of the Town11
Silver E
1Brewsky'sWe're Trippin54
2The TurtleHigh Shooters53
3Brewsky'sThe Bald & The Beautiful52
4Uncle Matt'sClassic Rewind50
57001 Sports BarCan't Stand Prosperity43
6Pour House Poo-Shootas33
Classic Rewind9The Bald & The Beautiful10
Poo-Shootas6High Shooters13
We're Trippin12Can't Stand Prosperity7
Bronze 1 F
1The MillThe Mills-bury Throw Boys66
23rd BaseFree Agents57
3Twist of LimeTwisted Butt Stuff56
4RootbeersFlick N Stick39
5Pink Street PubNonrandom People36
6Tavern on Vets4Q231
Nonrandom People3The Mills-bury Throw Boys16
Free Agents14Flick N Stick5
Twisted Butt Stuff124Q27
Bronze 1 G
1Coach's CornerBeers B4 Bulls61
3Tavern on VetsT.O.V.56
2Daiquiris & CreamsMash46
4BabylonLast Minute45
5Brewsky'sThird Dart Syndrome40
6Dolly's Bar Ice in our Drains37
T.O.V.11Beers B4 Bulls8
Ice in our Drains8Mash11
Last Minute11Third Dart Syndrome8
Bronze 1 H
23rd Base 4 Girls & a Dyke55
3Pour HouseInsane Dart Posse52
43rd BaseWhere's My Darts?41
5The FanDart Vaders35
6Coach's CornerChuck Strong30
Spears-N-Beers94 Girls & a Dyke10
Where's My Darts?11Insane Dart Posse8
Chuck Strong7Dart Vaders12
Bronze 1 I
13rd BaseSaints-n-Sinners58
2Sports BeatTips N Tits52
3The TurtleGet Silvia'd46
4Pour HouseOedipus and the Mother****ers45
5The Stallion Bar7001 DIYA44
6The CabinBlurred Vision40
Get Silvia'd5Tips N Tits14
Oedipus and the Mother****ers97001 DIYA10
Blurred Vision7Saints-n-Sinners12
Bronze 2 J
1Coach's CornerDeeezz Darts59
2Cleary TavernStars & Stripes58
4Sports BeatPADAH43
5StepbrothersIs It In?36
6Cleary TavernBall Busters34
Ball Busters7Blackout12
Is It In?6Stars & Stripes13
PADAH6Deeezz Darts13
Bronze 2 K
1Colby's CocktailsF-Wads71
2Rudy's PubF*&k IT We're Cumming Anyway!63
3Riverside Tavern Shot Shooters52
4KJ's PlaceLast Minute, or Never42
5Bayou DaiquirisBayou Family12
F*&k IT We're Cumming Anyway!11Shot Shooters8
Bayou Family0F-Wads19
Last Minute, or Never10BYE